A Jolly Halloween_3 column Background

Friday, July 6, 2007

First Timer

As most of you know, I’m horrible at keeping in touch! Please don't take it personal I am an equal opportunist when it comes to this matter! I have two friends who have blogs and I get such a kick out of hearing what they have been up to. So this is my attempt to become a blogger and keep in touch! I approached Randy with the idea of creating our own blog and he said "what's a blog?" and then he said "well do you really think you would be able to keep up with it?" Such little faith! Granted, it's recently taken me a couple of months to get into the habit of just checking our e-mail regularly but I am turning over a new leaf. I am going to be better about letting everyone know how we are doing. Of course with a baby on the way this might not be the best time to take up a new hobby of blogging but who knows I may surprise my self and everyone else. I hope to write some fun stuff along the way to keep it interesting but mostly I hope to share with my dear friends & family who have been such a strength and support in my life. Since all my friends and family are in other States let me just take this moment so say hi, I miss all of you so much, thanks for checking out my blog, I hope you can stop by again soon and see how we're doing. Lots of love from Texas~Nataile & Randy

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